About Calvert & Co

Where do we begin?

One of Joe Calvert's earliest memories involves finding a misplaced felt-tip pen, putting it in his hand and going wild on a huge canvas. While he was proud of his artwork, his parents were less less pleased with his first graphic design on their lounge room wall.

Joe will be the first to say that he's not changed dramatcially since; he loves sketching out creative ideas, copywriting and seeing what creates a reaction from others. "I find it hard sometimes to talk without drawing" he admits. 

Joe likes to understand how things work and he takes a great interest in human behaviour, as well as materials and craftsmanship. 

Given all of this, it's pretty natural that he became a graphic designer. 

Joe has over 20 years of industry experience to back-up his design degree, having worked in London, Sydney and York at a number of prestigious advertising agencies and design houses. 

The company Joe keeps is exceptional, and his skilled collaborators provide creative talents which are complementary to his. 

But enough about us. What about you?

Calvert & Co prides itself in taking the time to understand your business and we offer creative solutions that are strategic and appropriate to you - rather than simply offering surface decoration.

We prefer long-term clients and we love to see our customers businesses grow. We want to distance ourselves from the designers out there who have an over-reliance on trends and style. We prefer to value strategy and thoughtfulness, and incorporate these into our designs for you.

This is the about page, but really its a chance for us to find out more about you and your next project. Why not call or ask for a quotation from us. We're very friendly and there will be no-obligation. 

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